Socialite v1.3.5 MacOSX 網路群居社交軟體 英文破解版
Ealmac Sotware 推出了不少 Mac OS X 上非常不錯的軟體,近日他們又宣佈,將
會推出一套 Mac OS X 上的網路群居社交軟體 Socialite。
Socialite 與 Seesmic Desktop、Tweetdeck 等多列式社會化網路客戶端軟體有些
類似,但是支援的網站數量上要更為豐富。據介紹,Socialite 將能同步 Google
Reader 閱讀頻道,除去 Twitter 和 Facebook 之外,還支援、Digg、
Flickr、Reddit、OneRiot 和任意的 RSS 訂閱。
Socialite (was EventBox) is a beautiful Mac OS X application,
designed to make it easy to stay in touch with the social networks
and services that matter to you. From news on Digg, photos on
Flickr, statuses and photos on Facebook and Twitter updates, to
full Google Reader RSS syncing, Socialite keeps all your social
networks in one convenient place.Socialite (was EventBox) is a
beautiful Mac OS X application, designed to make it easy to stay
in touch with the social networks and services that matter to you.
From news on Digg, photos on Flickr, statuses and photos on
Facebook and Twitter updates, to full Google Reader RSS syncing,
Socialite keeps all your social networks in one convenient place.