Lynda com Twitter Essential 英文正式版(教學:Twitter 基礎訓練)
Lynda com Twitter Essential 英文正式版(教學:Twitter 基礎訓練) 出品的教學: Twitter 基礎訓練 (Twitter Essential Training)
主講:Maria Langer
教學講解說明了Twitter的使用技巧方法;一個線上 Microblogging(騰訊將它定義為即
時博客) 服務為人們提供了一種平臺,可以與他人即時共用短資訊。
在課程中,Maria Langer首先解釋了Twitter是什麼,以及個人和企業如何使用Twitter的
服務。Maria Langer 示範了註冊,發送,閱讀Twitter更新(也稱為"tweets"),以及建立
Twitter Essential Training
Author: Maria Langer
In Twitter Essential Training, author Maria Langer explains
how to use Twitter, an online microblogging service that
offers a way to share short bites of information instantly
with others. This course covers how to sign up for a Twitter
account, send and read Twitter updates (called tweets), and
build a network of followers. The training also describes
how to get the most out of Twitter by customizing an
individual profile, setting privacy options, following
trending topics, and tapping into third-party resources
that make it easier to follow and send updates.
Topics include:
* Uploading an image or avatar to an account
* Setting options to meet specific needs
* Using lists
* Sharing photos with friends and family
* Adding Twitter feeds to web sites
* Including hyperlinks in tweets
* Following and blocking users
* Using SMS
* Tweeting for a business